Project: Rover Rage is the first rover crafting and battling game on Mobile. In the game, you can not only embrace full creative freedom to customize your own rover but also experience the breathtaking combats in the vast universe. There are no rules here.
· Create Your Own Rover
Every single rover is unique! Craft rovers in whatever shapes you like. Aircrafts rushing into the sky, robots marching on the ground, and dinosaurs coming back to life! Break your imagination free, be creative!
· Various Rover Parts to Choose From
Choose from various rover parts with distinctive functions. Cannon, Sniper, Laser, Booster...Anything you've ever dreamt is now at your fingertips.
· Loot, Collect & Upgrade in Real Time
Battlefield is never a safe place. Stay sharp to gain as many rover parts as possible in Battle Royale and Rumble Mode. Loot parts from enemies to strengthen yourself in real time.
· 3v3! Time to Team Up
The brand new Control Mode allows you to team up with friends. Plan and fight strategically to control the Energy Tower. The effective and smooth cooperation ensures you a glorious victory.
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Customer Service:
Project: Rover Rage adalah game rover crafting dan battling pertama di Mobile. Dalam gim ini, Anda tidak hanya bisa merangkul kebebasan kreatif penuh untuk menyesuaikan bajak Anda sendiri, tetapi juga mengalami pertarungan menakjubkan di alam semesta yang luas. Tidak ada aturan di sini.
· Buat Rover Anda Sendiri
Setiap penjelajah adalah unik! Kerajinan penemu dalam bentuk apa pun yang Anda suka. Pesawat terbang ke langit, robot berbaris di tanah, dan dinosaurus hidup kembali! Bebaskan imajinasi Anda, jadilah kreatif!
· Berbagai Suku Cadang Penjelajah untuk Memilih Dari
Pilih dari berbagai bagian penjelajah dengan fungsi yang berbeda. Cannon, Sniper, Laser, Booster ... Apa pun yang pernah Anda impikan kini ada di ujung jari Anda.
· Loot, Kumpulkan & Tingkatkan dalam Waktu Nyata
Battlefield tidak pernah merupakan tempat yang aman. Tetap tajam untuk mendapatkan sebanyak mungkin bagian penjelajah di Battle Royale dan Mode Rumble. Menjarah bagian-bagian dari musuh untuk memperkuat diri Anda secara real time.
· 3v3! Saatnya Bekerja Sama
Mode Kontrol baru memungkinkan Anda untuk bergabung dengan teman-teman. Merencanakan dan bertarung secara strategis untuk mengendalikan Menara Energi. Kerja sama yang efektif dan lancar memastikan Anda kemenangan yang gemilang.
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Layanan Pelanggan:
Project: Rover Rage is the first rover crafting and battling game on Mobile. In the game, you can not only embrace full creative freedom to customize your own rover but also experience the breathtaking combats in the vast universe. There are no rules here.
· Create Your Own Rover
Every single rover is unique! Craft rovers in whatever shapes you like. Aircrafts rushing into the sky, robots marching on the ground, and dinosaurs coming back to life! Break your imagination free, be creative!
· Various Rover Parts to Choose From
Choose from various rover parts with distinctive functions. Cannon, Sniper, Laser, Booster...Anything you've ever dreamt is now at your fingertips.
· Loot, Collect & Upgrade in Real Time
Battlefield is never a safe place. Stay sharp to gain as many rover parts as possible in Battle Royale and Rumble Mode. Loot parts from enemies to strengthen yourself in real time.
· 3v3! Time to Team Up
The brand new Control Mode allows you to team up with friends. Plan and fight strategically to control the Energy Tower. The effective and smooth cooperation ensures you a glorious victory.
Official Website:
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